Boje duge
Svetlana Patafta
Dječje kazalište Dubrava u suradnji s
Udrugom za poticanje razvoja djece i roditelja PUNA KUĆA
monodrama / 1+
trajanje: 30 minuta
datum premijere: 7. studeni 2009.
datum svečane izvedbe u DKD-u: 24. rujna 2010.
Autor i izvođač: Svetlana Patafta
Likovno oblikovanje predstave: Tonka Maleković
Izrada marioneta: Amanda Prenkaj i Dunja Fajdić
Grafičko oblikovanje: Luka Vucić
Dizajn zvuka: Darko Jeftić
Ovo je priča o bojama, o osnovnim pojmovima koje djeca susreću u najranijem uzrastu, putovanje je kroz različite vrste materijala, priča o različitosti, toleranciji i poštivanju djetetovih potencijala u svim segmentima njegovog mladog života.
Proizvod je fokusiranog angažmana Svetlane Patafte kao majke, glumice i dramske pedagoginje u kreativnom radu s djecom najmlađe dobi. Inspirirana je motivima iz priče DUGA Manuele Vladić Maštruko.
Tonka Maleković, likovna umjetnica, svojim osebujnim talentom i specifičnim stilom učinila je likovni doživljaj ove predstave iznimno intenzivnim.
Svaka boja predstavlja jednu priču. Svaka priča sa sobom donosi određeni materijal i ispričana je određenom kazališnom tehnikom. Glumica sve vrijeme komunicira s djecom i potiče ih na aktivno gledanje i razumijevanje onoga što su vidjeli i čuli.
Svaka boja, kao i čovjek, jedinstvena je i neponovljiva. Boje zajedno grade prekrasnu dugu, a ljudi čvrsta prijateljstva.
Iako prvenstveno namijenjena djeci do tri godine starosti, svojim sadržajem i interaktivnim karakterom primjerena je i djeci predškolske dobi.
(age 0-6)
This is a story about colours, it is a journey through different textures of textile, a story about diversity, tolerance and respect of the children and their potentials in all the segments of their young life.
The performance is made by Svetlana Patafta as the result of her focused engagement in creative work with young children as a mother, actress, and drama pedagogue. Tonka Maleković, a visual artist, gave the performance a special visual touch with her specific style in working with different textures of textile.
Each colour of the rainbow is one short story about life, relationships, and basic concepts that children adopt in the earliest age. On the other level each story uses specific puppet technique as well as elements of theatre of objects. Paying attention to the importance of stimulating early growth of musical potentials of a child, the emphasis is also made on sound. Body language as an important aspect of communication is one of the important elements in the process of making the performance.
The whole performance is based on the interactive approach towards the audience.
The key words and expressions will be spoken in the mother tongue of the audience.
A basic structure of the play:
There is a big cloud turning around and the colours are hidden underneath it. With a story about each colour the parts of the cloud are being removed. At the end the colours get into a big quarrel about which one is more beautiful and important. Black clouds cover the sky. Quarrel stops, the rain starts, and high above in the sky the sun emerges out of a cloud. A beautiful rainbow sets up across the big blue sky.
– basic concepts and key words: sun, seed, plant, sunflower, moon, stars
– story: the growth of a plant
– approach: puzzle structure
– basic concepts and key words : grass, tree, mouse, snail, ladybird, sunflower, watering can
– story: flora and fauna life
– approach: theatre of objects
– basic concepts and key words : heart, love, language, dance
– story: love dance
– approach: marionettes
– basic concepts and key words: sea, sky, fishing net, boat, fish
– story: sea life
– approach: making different images with the same textile; body movement.
– basic concepts and key words : fruit, vitamins, health, pumpkin, orange, carrot, kitchen
– story: a song about the importance of eating fruit
– approach: musical
– basic concepts and key words : magic, instrument, bells, metalophone
– story: dancing cloth
– approach: animation of the textile, hide and seek elements, body movement
At the end children repeat the names of all the colours, and they are told that every colour, as well as a human being is beautiful and unique. Together they make beautiful rainbow, and people make together strong friendships.
Duration: 30 min
It can be performed in Croatian, English, French and Italian.
There is an open space for performing in some other languages if there is an interest.
13.4.2011. sudjeluje na 16. Vukovarskom proljeću
Predstava za najmlađe „Boje duge /Barve mavrice“ u izvedbi Svetlane Patafte bila je 25.08.2013. na programu Poletnog lutkovnog pristana 2013. u Lutkovnom gledališču Maribor. Predstava je bila izvedena na slovenskom jeziku. Po reakcijama djece i njihovih roditelja nakon predstave nadamo se da će „Boje duge“ naći svoj život i na slovenskom govornom području. (autor fotografije: Boštjan Lah)
Špancirfest u Varaždinu 2010.
44. PIF2011. – u okviru programa „Pif u pelenama“
Festival „16. Vukovarsko proljeće“ 2011. – izvedbe u Vinkovcima i Vukovaru
Humanitarne izvedbe u Zagrebačkim bolnicama i Bjelovarskoj bolnici 2010./2011.
Gostovanje u sklopu manifestacije „DJEČJI TJEDAN“ na Korčuli i Čiovu 2010./2011.
Gostovanje u „Glej gledališču“ u Ljubljani 2011.
Festival „Zmajeve dečije igre“ u Novom Sadu 2012.
Festival HAPS u Herceg Novom 2013.
Mednarodni poletni lutkovni pristan u Mariboru 2013.